Helping Customers Avoid GHG Emissions

Zurn Elkay provides a range of sustainable products that help customers avoid GHG emissions while providing other environmental benefits. 

Saving 166,000 Trees

World Dryer energy-efficient hand dryers replace paper towels, helping avoid GHG emissions in the energy-intensive paper manufacturing process:

  • Paper towels replaced in 2022: 4 billion+ 

  • Trees saved per year: 166,000

  • Water savings in 2022: 230 million gallons throughout the lifecycle of paper towels

  • Paper industry GHG emissions avoided in 2022: 60,000+ metric tons CO2e

  • Customer energy savings in 2022: 16 million+ kWh, resulting in over 6,000 metric tons of GHG emissions avoided

Conserving 6.8 million kWh in Electricity

Zurn’s PEX piping systems for plumbing and heating conserve water and reduce energy usage:

  • Customer energy savings in 2022: 6.8 million kWh

  • GHG emissions avoided from hot water energy savings: 2,500 metric tons CO2e annually

Avoiding 67 Billion Single-Use Plastic Bottles

Elkay water bottle fillers reduce the substantial carbon footprint associated with the manufacturing and distribution of single-use plastic water bottles:

  • Single-use plastic water bottles avoided since 2012: 67 billion

  • GHG emissions avoided: 1.72 million metric tons CO2e

  • PET plastic waste avoided: 426,000 metric tons